50% standard
50% beige (Pwpw)
25% standard
50% beige (Pwpw)
25% blond (PwPw)
50% beige (Pwpw)
50% blond (Pwpw)
25% standard
25% beige (Pwpw)
25% black velvet (Blbl)
25% brown velvet (PwpwBlbl)
25% standard
25% beige (Pwpw)
25% white (Ww)
25% beige-white (pink-white, PwpwWw)
25% standard
25% beige (Pwpw)
25% hetero ebony (Ee)
25% beige-hetero ebony (Pastel-ebony, PwpwEe)
50% hetero ebony (Ee)
50% beige-hetero ebony (PwpwEe)
50% standard african violet-carrier (Vv)
50% beige african violet-carrier (PwpwVv)
50% standard sapphire-carrier (Ss)
50% beige sapphire-carrier (PwpwSs)
50% standard charcoal-carrier (Cc)
50% beige charcoal-carrier (PwpwCc)
50% standard german violet carrier (Gg)
50% beige german violet carrier (PwpwGg)
Beige chinchillas are these days as commonly available as standards and are therefore often used when people want a different colour for the first time. Below you can see how you can use beige in various crosses. In the table below only gene symbols for the relevant mutations are given.